In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient. In my experience, Wordpress is both a gift and a torment. I love to hate Wordpress, and yet I use it because it is so convenient.
GitHub Pages on the other hand gives me LOTS of control...yada yada yada...I'm writing more in this paragraph now.
Here's a link to this page on my GitHub Pages Site.