July 26th letter: front
July 26th letter: front

Brussels, 1955-07-26


Dear People:

We are just about to take off for Copenhagen and are sit- ting around so I will try to send this second installment of our trip report. If I remember correctly, the last letter came from the boat. We arrived in Cherbourg and got safely on the train to find that it was over 90. We nearly died on the ride to Paris. Very unairconditioned train and blazing sun. The first thing we did when we arrived at Le Bristol was fall in cold tub. We went out for dinner later and cele- brated with Cherries Jubilee. Very tasty! The next day Mrs. Behrend hired a car and guide and we drove all over Paris. It is so beautiful but so expensive! $90 a minute to breath! We did a bit of shopping, had lunch in the Bois de Boulougne shopped on the Left Bank, got train tickets and that night went to the Casino de Paris. Pretty naked ladies I must say. We were not carried away by it but did see it, so that is that.

The next morning we were up at the crack of dawn and off to Tours. The man and his wife who ran the Manoir Bercheron, where we stayed as a mmber of the family were terribly nice. We arravied in time for lunch and then got in a little car and went through some beautiful country to see some of the chateaux. We enjoyed it tremendously. You can see where the old French painters get all their inspirations. Lovely rivers, old mills and beautiful trees. That night after dinner we went to a nearby chateau, Azay-le-Rideau which was illuminated. Just like fairyland. They also had a sort of play very cleverly done just done with voices and lighting which told the history of the building. We will never forget it.

Thursday, the Davidsons, our hosts and their little boy and and ourselves went on another chateaux trip which was just a grand as the day before. We had a picnic on the way and tea on the way home. Great fun. The only thing that marred the trip was another guest who arrived who knew all about everything and told it in the loudest of voices. I got in a ter- rible row with him about sports. Everyone was on my side but you couldn't get a word in edge wise. Itwas rather funny to look back on but I nearly had a nervous breakdown when it was going on.

Friday we left Tours at about eleven and got back in Paris for lunch. After the lovely meal we changed out on foot to do some shopping.

July 26th letter: back
July 26th letter: back



and walked around. This we did. Not too many purchases. We were going up to Montmartre but decided to get to bed early to leave for Brussels the next day.

We had a perfect flight from London here. Mercedes Bucher met us at the airport and we came to the hotel. The Wilsons, Mrs. BB’s cousin, called and came over for a drink. We then went for a delicious lunch, food is marvelous here, on the Grand Place which is fantastic. Mercedes has a car so we spent the afternoon seeing Brussels which is very pretty. Lovely parks and old buildings. Had dinner in a very old place with lots of atmoshpere and good food. Sunday we piled into the car and went to Bruges, about and hour and a half away. A divine old town. We took a ride in a carriage all over the town. Great fun. On the way back we stopped for tea in the Ostend which is a big seaside resort. Arrived back here at eight and had a light supper on the Grand Place which is illuminated at night and breathtaking. Yesterday we shopped most of the day and walked around seeing things. All had cocktails at the Wilsons hotel and dinner later.

It is now Tuesday again and we leave here at 12:55 for Copen-hagen arriving there at 4:30. Have to change planes in Amsterdam. Mer-cedes will pick us up in a few minutes so I will stop and go pay the bill etc. The Wilsons left a while ago for Paris. We will see them in London in August.

We see by the paper that it is still unbearable in New York and are pleased to be here. Weather has been perfect except for the day we arrived.

Much love to all from both of us.


Dear Lou—

Thanks for your letter in Paris— Sorry your golf fell apart—It’s fun anyway— Shall be anxious to see the new addition. Will you call Mary Bartol and tell her to get the time for the Wheeler thing. Tell her to tell Betty Ewing too for me— Also call Sophie— on 8-03 &1 and tell her same thing. Having a lovely trip.

Much love—


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