Rachel's To-Do List
I have a lot of ideas, but no idea how long it will take to accomplish them. Time to write them down!
Status: in progress - To ensure the archive's accessibility on all platforms, it should be viewable on larger displays without leaving too much empty space. Unfortunately, this is not the case; every image is hardcoded to fit my displays, otherwise the taskbar takes over the whole screen. By switching from a flex-based system to a grid-based system, it should adapt to displays of all sizes. This may change to include scaling text boxes and overlays in the future.
Browser Optimization
Status: not started - This is one I stumbled across by chance when using Safari on a Mac. The website looked significantly different, with the text boxes stretching to the edge of the screen and the fonts looking different. I can't say how it will look over Firefox and other search engines, but consistency is crucial. If something looks different on one search engine, I want to have a plan B in place to accommodate it. Collaboration with Safari and Firefox users will be helpful in providing resources and finding their font faces. Screenshots of the archive from other search engines will be a crucial starting point.
Phone Optimization
Status: not started - This was heavily plagued by the taskbar issue, but scaling will play a massive part in this objective. When scaling is complete, I will view the website from my phone to see how it looks. Odds are, I may have to tweak the sidebar so that it can appear and disappear at the push of a button, but I don't think it will be too hard. Getting previews from other phone devices and their search resources will help with scale and programming. Some Javascript may be required.
Dropdown lists
Status: not started - Not every computer has twenty gigabytes of RAM, and plenty of computers run like potatoes. I want to provide something for people with those types of computers, as I sympathize with them after owning a cruddy computer for five years, so I have an idea in mind. I want to put a button by each category in the gallery that, when pressed, will show only the images in said category and hide them if they are already displayed. I have a feeling this will involve Javascript, so this will begin after scaling is finished. Unlike other tasks, however, it won't take as long (hopefully) and the page for the subject will have concept sketches to demonstrate my idea for how it will work.
Status: not started - This task will have the most complicated setup. I have not used Ruby and Jekyll before, so I need to set them up before trying to achieve my goal with them: including my sidebar and footer on every page without copying and pasting the same twenty or more lines of code. It will be a massive timesaver if I continue using GitHub, and a decent introduction to server-side includes when I have to use them in the future (or, at the very least, something similar to them.
Artistic Changes
Status: not started - This is a minor change, but it's worth mentioning. I need to adjust the background image on my website because of a looping oversight. I need to fix the height and add a few more rows, but I want to see how it looks on larger displays to see if the background needs to be redone. I need to do this, and design an image for the future for when the website is undergoing maintenance.