April 11, 1909. SundayEaster: There is a drawing of two white flowers with yellow centers in a pot. the one on the left is drooped over slightly and is drawn from the side view. The flower on the right is taller and leaning out to the right side of the pot. The flower on the right is drawn from a front view. Both flowers have long green stems with leaves on them.
There is a drawing of two white flowers with yellow centers in a pot. the one on the left is drooped over slightly and is drawn from the side view. The flower on the right is taller and leaning out to the right side of the pot. The flower on the right is drawn from a front view. Both flowers have long green stems with leaves on them.—#lhering

April 11, 1909.

"Ah dear but come thou back to me
Whatever change the years (weeks) have made wrought
I find not yet one lonely thought
that cries against my wish for thee"

The flowers in the drawing might be chrysanthemums or minnow daffodils based on their color. They may also just be a randomly colored flower that Mary Behrend decided to draw from her imagination.—#lhering

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