June 19, 1909. Saturday: Someone (possibly Mary) is tending to a man's hair. She appears to be rubbing in shampoo ( or "scalp food", as she called it) and the woman appears to be singing or talking. The image is drawn in pencil and what appears to be watercolor, with the woman's hair obscuring the year number.
Someone (possibly Mary) is tending to a man's hair. She appears to be rubbing in shampoo ( or "scalp food", as she called it) and the woman appears to be singing or talking. The image is drawn in pencil and what appears to be watercolor, with the woman's hair obscuring the year number.—#rgerzevske

June 19, 1909.

"Rubbing it in!"

I wonder: if this is Mary, did she cut and clean her husband's hair? Was she at a hairdresser waiting to have her hair done and saw this while she was waiting? Did they have a housekeeper of some kind? I have so many questions. —#rgerzevske

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